Leargas.ie Blog

Mastering your Erasmus+ Application: Top 10 Tips for Success

Written by Jemma Lee | Sep 5, 2023 9:03:16 AM

Are you planning to submit an Erasmus+ project application? Whether you are a seasoned applicant or a first timer, our top 10 tips will help you avoid common challenges in the Erasmus+ application process.  

Jemma Lee, our Senior Support & Development Officer for Adult Education at Léargas, has compiled these valuable tips to help you craft a winning proposal for the upcoming deadline!


1. Directly Address the Question 

Applicants often get carried away showcasing the great work that they do, but they may overlook the main question at hand.  

Tip: Read each question carefully before you start and review your answers after. Ask yourself, “Have I addressed the key points or keywords?” Click on the information or question symbols within the application for more details.  


2. Provide Sufficient Detail 

Striking a balance of concise and clear answers is key. While you don’t need to write too much, you do need give sufficient information so assessors can understand what you hope to do. Try to avoid vague or overly brief responses. Remember that your application can only be scored based on the details you have provided. 

Tip: Assume the evaluators know nothing about your organisation or your work - When in doubt, spell it out!  


3. Define Clear Objectives 

Objectives play a vital role in your application. Your objectives should consider what you hope to achieve by completing the project. Your project should be more than just an activity or an international trip, it should be bringing about a positive change in your organisation and impacting on your target groups.   

Tip: Establish a clear link between your needs, objectives, and activities to showcase your project's value.  


4. Ensure Consistency and Clarity 

Try to use consistent terminology throughout your application. This makes it easier for the evaluator to understand your proposal. When collaborating on a shared document, be careful about copying and pasting text into the application form.  

Tip: Have one person responsible for the final read through to check for mistakes or typos. Keep an eye on the character limits for each section and stick to these. 


5. Embrace Simplicity and Achievability 

Keep your project straightforward and achievable; there's no need for fancy language when simplicity can be more effective. Overly ambitious plans might lead to lower scores if evaluators struggle to comprehend your project or see it as unrealistic.  

Tip: Seek feedback from a colleague or friend to ensure your application is easy to understand.  


6. Choose the Right Sector 

Make sure that you are applying through the correct sector. Think about the people who will benefit from your project – pupils, young people, apprentices, community members, etc.  

Léargas are the national agency in Ireland for Erasmus+ in five sectors: Adult Education, School Education, Sport, Vocational Education and Training, and Youth. Here is what we mean by sector:  

  • Adult Education: All forms of non-vocational adult education, whether of a formal, or informal in nature.
  • School Education: This includes all levels from early childhood education, through primary and post-primary education.  
  • Sport: This includes staff involved in grassroots sport (both paid and voluntary).
  • Vocational Education and Training:  Education and training which aims to equip young people and adults with knowledge, skills and competences required in particular occupations or more broadly on the labour market.
  • Youth: Youth organisations in Ireland, an informal group of young people, or an organisation active in the Youth field. 

Tip: If you’re still not sure which sector you belong in, you can get in touch with the team.


7. Showcase International Collaboration 

A key part of Erasmus+ is that it enables people from all over Europe to come together and learn from each other. It is essential to emphasise the added value of international cooperation and how it enhances your project's outcomes.  

Tip: Explain the benefits of working with European partners compared to local ones.  


8. Demonstrate Sector Relevance 

Clearly demonstrate your organisation's connection to the sector you are applying under. Explain how you will engage with target groups and create a meaningful impact within the sector.  

Tip: Make it clear what your organisation does, who are your target groups, etc. Especially if your connection is less obvious, explain to us how you will engage with the target groups, and how your project will have left an impact on the sector after it is finished.  


9. Share the Impact 

Erasmus+ projects aim to benefit more than just those directly involved. Consider how you can share the project's learning and impact with your organisation, networks, and the wider public.  

Tip: Have a look at the European Commission helpful guide on How to Communicate your Project. 


10. Address Programme Priorities  

In many cases there are award criteria directly linked to these priorities and points are available for project proposals which have considered them effectively. While not always explicitly asked in the application, addressing these priorities can enhance your proposal's evaluation.  

The Erasmus+ Programme has four priorities. These are:  

  • Inclusion & Diversity  
  • Digital Transformation  
  • Environment & Fight Against Climate Change  
  • Participation in Democratic Life, Common Values & Civic Engagement  

Depending on the type of funding you are applying for, you may be asked to choose one priority for the theme of your project. However, you can still showcase each priority throughout your application. 

Tip: Integrate the Programme Priorities into your project design.   


Final Tip: Plan Ahead and Submit Early  

Don’t leave your application to the very last minute! Every section is important, and rushing may result in losing valuable points. Aim to finish your application a few days before the deadline, allowing time for a final review and avoiding potential technical issues.  

Remember, a well-prepared application increases your chances of success. Good luck with your application!